March 21, 2019
This is how your current terminal looks like
Now with some awesome tricks you can change it too
Install font-awesome
and powerline
For Debian based operating system use the following command
sudo apt install powerline fonts-powerline
This command might be different for different flavours of Linux based Operating system
Change the configurations of your .bashrc
Open the terminal and type nano ~/.bashrc
or open your .bashrc
in any text editor.
Add the following lines
if [ -f `which powerline-daemon` ]; then
powerline-daemon -q
. /usr/share/powerline/bindings/bash/
Make sure the last line in the above is the path where the powerline
tool is installed. It might be different for different operating system. Set this path according to your operating system.
Source your .bashrc
file in order to add changes.
source ~/.bashrc
Written by nightwarriorftw who lives and works in a small town full of Darkness building problem solving stuff. You should follow him on Twitter